Hymn 125
Our Lord Christ hath risen!

1. Our Lord Christ hath risen! The tempter is foiled; His legions are scattered, His strongholds are spoiled, O sing hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah! O sing hallelujah! Be joyful and sing, Our great foe is baffled – Christ Jesus is King! 2. O death, we defy thee! A stronger than thou Hath entered thy palace; We fear thee not now! O sing hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah! O sing hallelujah! Be joyful and sing, Death cannot affright us – Christ Jesus is King! 3. O sin, thou art vanquished, Thy long reign is o’er; Though still thou dost vex us, We dread thee no more, O sing hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah! O sing hallelujah! Be joyful and sing, Who now can condemn us? – Christ Jesus is King! 4. Our Lord Christ hath risen! Day breaketh at last; The long night of weeping Is now well-nigh past. O sing hallelujah! O sing Hallelujah! O sing hallelujah! Be joyful and sing, Our foes are all conquered – Christ Jesus is King!

Hymn 125 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu