Hymn 129
He is gone beyond the skies!

1. He is gone beyond the skies! A cloud receives Him from our eyes; Gone beyond the highest height Of mortal gaze or angel’s flight, Through the veils of time and space Passed into the holiest place, All the toil, the sorrow done, All the battle fought and won. 2. He is gone; and we remain In this world of sin and pain; In the void which He has left On this earth, of Him bereft, We have still His work to do, We can still His path pursue, Seek Him both in friend and foe, In ourselves His image show. 3. He is gone; we heard Him say, ‘Good that I should go away.’ Gone is that dear form and face, But not gone His present grace; Though Himself no more we see, Comfortless we cannot be; No! His Spirit still is ours, Quickening, freshening all our powers. 4. He is gone; but we once more Shall behold Him as before, In the heaven of heavens the same As on earth He went and came; In the many mansions there Place for us He will prepare; In that world unseen, unknown, He and we shall yet be one.

Hymn 129 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu