Hymn 145
One there is, above all others

1. One there is, above all others, Well deserves the name of Friend; His is love beyond a brother’s, Costly, free, and knows no end; They who once His kindness prove Find it everlasting love. 2. When He lived on earth abased, Friend of sinners was His name; Now, above all glory raised, He rejoices in the same; Still He calls them brethren, friends, And to all their wants attends. 3. Could we bear from one another What He daily bears from us? Yet this glorious Friend and Brother Loves us though we treat Him thus; Though for good we render ill, He accounts us brethren still. 4. O for grace our hearts to soften! Teach us, Lord, at length to love; We, alas! Forget too often What a Friend we have above, But, when home our souls are brought, We will love Thee as we ought.

Hymn 145 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu