Hymn 176
O Jesus, ever present

1 O Jesus, ever present, O Shepherd, ever kind, Thy very Name is music To ear, and heart and mind It woke our wondering childhood To muse on things above; It drew our harder manhood With cords of mighty love. 2 How oft to sure destruction Our feet had gone astray, Hadst Thou not, patient Shepherd, Been Guardian of our way. How oft in darkness fallen And wounded sore by sin Thy hand has gently raised us And healing balm poured in. 3 O Shepherd good! We follow, Wherever Thou wilt lead; No matter where the pasture, With Thee at hand to feed. Thy voice, in life so mighty, In death shall make us bold; O bring our ransomed spirits To Thine eternal fold.

Hymn 176 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu