Hymn 213
Father of all, from land and sea
1 Father of all, from land and sea
The nations sing, "Thine, Lord, are we;
Countless in number, but in Thee
May we be one."
2 O Son of God, whose love so free
For men did make Thee Man to be,
United to our God in Thee
May we be one.
3 Join high with low, join young with old,
In love that never waxes cold;
Under one Shepherd, in one fold,
Make us all one.
4 O Spirit blest, who from above
Cam'st gently gliding like a dove,
Calm all our strive, give faith and love;
O make us one!
5 So, when the world shall pass away, We shall awake with joy and say, Now in the bliss of endless day, We all are one.