Hymn 231
All Lands and peoples, all the earth

1 All Lands and peoples, all the earth, Put off the night of sadness Make cheer and music and high mirth, And praise the Lord with gladness! Serve Him with joyful heart All kingdoms do their part, And let immortal song Before His presence throng Forever and For ever! 2 O surely He is God alone, The earth is mute before him And he is ours and we his own His people who adore him We are his flock, our feet Walk in his pastures sweet, And by cool brooks the sleep Is soft He gives His sheep For ever! For ever! 3 O enter then His temple courts With trumpet-tongued thanks giving Praise Him in dances and in sports Our lord, the ever living! With incense to the skies Our thankfulness arise; His glory wide proclaim Speak good of His great Name, For ever and for ever! 4 For gracious is the Lord our God; He hears our dull complaining His mercy has a sure abode And everlasting reigning; And times and times roll by And nations fade and die But God’s majestic truth, Leads on an eager youth, For ever and for ever.

Hymn 231 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu