Hymn 252
Angel voices ever singing

1 Angel voices ever singing round Thy throne of light, angel harps, forever ringing, rest not day nor night; thousands only live to bless Thee and confess thee Lord of might. 2 Yea, we know Thy love rejoices o'er each work of Thine; Thou didst ears and hands and voices for Thy praise combine; craftsman's art and music's measure for Thy pleasure all combine. 3 In thy house, great God, we offer of Thine own to Thee; and for Thine acceptance proffer, all unworthily, hearts and minds and hands and voices in our choicest Psalmody. 4 Honor, glory, might, and merit shall ever be, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, blessed Trinity: of the best that Thou hast given earth and heaven render Thee.

Hymn 252 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu