Hymn 332
God of the living, in whose eyes

1 God of the living, in whose eyes Unveiled thy whole creation lies, All souls are thine; we must not say That those are dead who pass away, From this our world of flesh set free; We know them living unto thee. 2 Released from earthly toil and strife, With thee is hidden still their life; Thine are their thoughts, their works, their powers, All thine, and yet most truly ours, For well we know, where'er they be, Our dead are living unto thee. 3 Thy word is true, thy will is just; To thee we leave them, Lord, in trust; And bless thee for the love which gave Thy Son to fill a human grave, That none might fear that world to see Where all are living unto thee. 4 O Giver unto man of breath, O Holder of the keys of death, O Quickener of the life within, Save us from death, the death of sin; That body, soul, and spirit be For ever living unto thee!

Hymn 332 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu