Hymn 337
Lord of light, whose name outshineth

1 Lord of light, whose name outshineth All the stars and suns of space, Deign to make us Thy coworkers In the kingdom of Thy grace; Use us to fulfill Thy purpose In the gift of Christ Thy Son. Father, as in highest heaven So on earth Thy will be done. 2 By the toil of lowly workers In some far outlying field; By the courage where the radiance Of the cross is still revealed; By the victories of meekness, Through reproach and suffering won. Father, as in highest heaven So on earth Thy will be done. 3 Grant that knowledge, still increasing, At Thy feet may lowly kneel; With Thy grace our triumphs hallow, With Thy charity our zeal; Lift the nations from the shadows To the gladness of the sun. Father, as in highest heaven So on earth Thy will be done. 4 By the prayers of faithful watchmen, Never silent day or night; By the cross of Jesus bringing Peace to men, and healing light; By the love that passeth knowledge, Making all Thy children one. Father, as in highest heaven So on earth Thy will be done.

Hymn 337 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu