Hymn 373
Far round the world thy children sing their song

1 Far round the world thy children sing their song; From east and west their voices sweetly blend, Praising the Lord, in whom young lives are strong, Jesus our Guide, our Hero, and our Friend. 2 Where thy wide ocean, wave on rolling wave, Beats thro' the ages, on each island shore, They praise their Lord, whose hand alone can save, Whose sea of love surrounds them evermore. 3 Thy sun-kissed children on earth's spreading plain, Where Asia's rivers water all the land, Sing, as they watch thy fields of glowing grain, Praise to the Lord who feeds them with his hand. 4 Still there are lands where none have seen thy face, Children whose hearts have never shared thy joy; Yet thou wouldst pour on these thy radiant grace, Give thy glad strength to every girl and boy. 5 All round the world let children sing thy song: From east and west their voices sweetly blend, Praising the Lord in whom young lives are strong, Jesus our Guide, our Hero, and our Friend.

Hymn 373 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu