Hymn 385
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass

1 Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass, Ye bars of iron, yield, And let the King of Glory pass; The cross is in the field: 2 Ye armies of the living God, His sacramental host, Where hallowed footsteps never trod Take your appointed post: 3 Follow the cross; the ark of peace, Accompany your path, To slaves and rebels bring release, From bondage and from wrath. 4 Though few and small and weak your bands, Strong in your Captain's strength Go to the conquest of all lands; All must be his at length. 5 O fear not, faint nor, halt not now; In Jesus' Name be strong; To him shall all the nations bow, And sing with you this song: 6 Uplifted are the gates of brass, The bars of iron yield; Behold the King of Glory pass; The cross has won the field.

Hymn 385 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu