Hymn 392
Come, ye souls by sin afflicted

1 Come, ye souls by sin afflicted, Bowed with fruitless sorrow down; By the broken law convicted, Through the cross behold the crown; Look to Jesus; Mercy flows through him alone. 2 Blessed are the eyes that see him, Blest the ears that hear his voice; Blessed are the souls that trust him, And in him alone rejoice: His commandments Then become their happy choice. 3 Take his easy yoke and wear it; Love will make obedience sweet; Christ will give you strength to bear it, While his wisdom guides your feet Safe to glory, Where his ransomed captives meet. 4 Sweet as home to pilgrim's weary, Light to newly opened eyes, Or full springs in deserts dreary, Is the rest the cross supplies: All who taste it Shall to rest immortal rise.

Hymn 392 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu