Hymn 394
Sinners Jesus will receive

1 Sinners Jesus will receive, Tell this word of grace to all. Who the heavenly pathway leave, All who linger, all who fail, This can bring them back again, Christ receiveth sinful men. 2 Shepherds seek their wandering sheep, O’er the mountains bleak and cold, Jesus such a watch doth keep, O’er the lost ones of his fold; Seeking them O’er moor and fen, Christ receiveth sinful men. 3 Sick and sorrowful and blind, I with all my sins draw nigh, O my savior thou canst find Help forsinners such as I, Speak that word of love again, Christ receiveth sinful men. 4 Christ receiveth sinful men, Even me with all my sin, Openeth to me heaven again, With Him I may enter in. Death hath no more sting nor pain,; Christ receiveth sinful men.

Hymn 394 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu