Hymn 406
One who is all unfit to count

1 One who is all unfit to count As scholar in thy school, Thou of thy love hast named a friend, O kindness wonderful! 2 So weak am I, O gracious Lord, So all unworthy thee, That even the dust upon thy feet Outweighs me utterly. 3 Thou dwellest in unshadowed light, All sin and shame above, That thou shouldst bear our sin and shame, How can I tell such love? 4 Ah, did not he the heavenly throne A little thing esteem, And not unworthy for my sake A mortal body deem? 5 When in his flesh they drove the nails, Did he not all endure? What name is there to fit a life So patient and so pure? 6 So, Love itself in human form For love of me he came; I cannot look upon his face For shame, for bitter shame. 7 If there is aught of worth in me, It comes from thee alone; Then keep me safe, for so, O Lord, Thou keepest but thine own.

Hymn 406 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu