Hymn 440
Happy are they, they that love God

1 Happy are they, they that love God, whose hearts have Christ confest, who by his cross have found their life, and 'neath his yoke their rest. 2 Glad is the praise, sweet are the songs, when they together sing; and strong the prayers that bow the ear of heaven's eternal King. 3 Christ to their homes giveth his peace, and makes their loves his own: but ah, what tares the evil one hath in his garden sown! 4 Sad were our lot, evil this earth, did not its sorrows prove the path whereby the sheep may find the fold of Jesus' love. 5 Then shall they know, they that love him, how all their pain is good; and death itself cannot unbind their happy brotherhood.

Hymn 440 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu