Hymn 453
O king of mercy, from Thy throne on high

1 O king of mercy, from Thy throne on high Look down in love, and hear our humble cry. 2 Thou tender Shepherd of the blood-bought sheep, Thy feeble wandering flock in safety keep. 3 O gentle Saviour, by Thy death we live; To contrite sinners life eternal give. 4 Thou art the Bread of heaven, on Thee we feed; Be near to help our souls in time of need. 5 Thou art the mourner's Stay, the sinner's Friend, Sweet Fount of joy and blessings without end. 6 O come and cheer us with Thy heavenly grace; Reveal the brightness of Thy glorious face. 7 In cooling cloud by day, in fire by night, Be near our steps, and make our darkness light. 8 Go where we go, abide where we abide, In life, in death, our Comfort, Strength, and Guide. 9 O lead us daily with Thine eye of love And bring us safely to our home above.

Hymn 453 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu