Hymn 505
To-day I arise

To-day I arise, Invoking the blessed Trinity, Confessing the blessed Unity, Creator of all the things that be, To-day I arise, By strength of Christ and His mystic Birth, By His passion, and Triumph’s saving worth, By His coming again to judge the earth, To-day I arise, By seraphs serving the Lord above, By truths His ancient heralds prove, By saints in purity, labour,love. To-day I arise, By splendor of sun and flaming brand, By rushing wind, by lightning grand, By depth of sea, by strength of land. To-day I arise, With God my steerman stay, and guide, To guard, to counsel, to hear to bide, His way before His hosts beside. Protecting me now, From crafty wiles of demon crew, From foemen, be they many or few From lusts that I can scarce subdue. Lord Jesus the Christ, To-day surround me with Thy might; Before, behind, on left and right, Be Thou in breadth, in length, in height. Direct and control, The minds of all who think on me, The lips of all who speak to me. The eyes of all who look on me. To-day I arise, Invoking the blessed trinity, Confessing the Blessed Unity, Saviour, on us salvation be!

Hymn 505 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu