Hymn 509
Jesus, Master, whose I am

1 Jesus, Master, whose I am, purchased thine alone to be by thy blood, O spotless Lamb, shed so willingly for me, let my heart be all thine own, let me live to thee alone. 2 Jesus, Master, I am thine: keep me faithful, keep me near; let thy presence in me shine all my homeward way to cheer. Jesus, at thy feet I fall, O be thou my all in all. 3 Jesus, Master, whom I serve, though so feebly and so ill, strengthen hand and heart and nerve all thy bidding to fulfill. Open thou mine eyes to see all the work thou hast for me. 4 Jesus Master, wilt Thou use, One who owes Thee more than all, As Thou wilt! I would not choose; Only let me hear Thy call, Jesus, let me always be, In Thy service glad and free.

Hymn 509 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu