Hymn 514
Through good report and evil, Lord

1 Through good report and evil, Lord, Still guided by Thy faithful word, Our staff, our buckler, and our sword, We follow Thee. 2 In silence of the lonely night, In the full glow of day's clear light, Through life's strange windings, dark or bright, We follow Thee. 3 Strengthened by Thee we forward go, 'Mid smile or scoff or friend or foe, Through pain or ease, through joy or woe, We follow Thee. 4 Great Master, point Thou out the way, Nor suffer Thou our steps to stray, The, in the path that leads today, We follow Thee. 5 O Master, point Thou out the way, Nor suffer Thou our steps to stray; Then in the path that leads to day, We follow Thee.

Hymn 514 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu