Hymn 533
Much in Sorrow, oft in woe

1 Much in Sorrow, oft in woe, onward, Christians, onward go; bear the toil, maintain the strife, strengthened with the bread of life. 2 Onward, Christians, onward go, join the war, and face the foe; Faint not! Much doth yet remain, Dreary is the long campaign. 3 Shrink not Christians, will ye yield?, Will ye quit the painful field?; will ye flee in danger's hour? Know ye not your Captain's power? 4 Let your drooping hearts be glad; march in heavenly armour clad; fight, nor think the battle long: victory soon shall tune your song. 5 Let not sorrow dim your eye; soon shall every tear be dry: let not fears your course impede; great your strength, if great your need. 6 Onward then in battle move; more than conquerors ye shall prove: though opposed by many a foe, Christian soldiers, onward go.

Hymn 533 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu