Hymn 537
March on, my soul, with strength

1 March on, my soul, with strength, march forward, void of fear; he who hath led will lead, While year succeeding year; and as thou goest on thou way, his hand shall hold you day by day. 2 March on, my soul, with strength, in ease you dare not dwell; high duty calls thee forth; then up, and quit thee well! Take up thy cross, take up thy sword, and fight the battles of thy Lord! 3 March on, my soul, with strength, with strength, but not thine own; the conquest thou shalt gain, through Christ thy Lord alone; his grace shall nerve thy feeble arm, his love preserve thee safe from harm. 4 March on, my soul, with strength, from strength to strength march on; warfare shall end at length, all foes be overthrown. Then, O my soul, if faithful now, the crown of life awaits thy brow.

Hymn 537 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu