Hymn 569
Lead, holy Shepherd, lead us
1 Lead, holy Shepherd, lead us,
Thy feeble flock, we pray;
Thou King of little pilgrims,
Safe lead us all the way.
2 In Thy blest footprints guide us,
Along the heavenward road;
Thine age fills all the ages,
Undying Word of God.
3 That life, O Christ, is noblest,
Which praises God the blest,
A life celestial, nourished,
At wisdom’s holy breast.
4 By her good nuture let us,
Thy little ones, be fed,
And by her guidance gentle
Our wandering steps be led.
5 O fill us with Thy spirit,
Like morning dew shed down,
And with our praises loyal
King Jesus we shall crown.
6 O be our lives our tribute,
The meed of praise we bring,
When thus we join to honour,
Our Teacher and our King.