Hymn 575
The world looks very beautiful

1 The world looks very beautiful And full of joy to me; The sun shines out in glory bright, On every thing I see. I know I shall be happy, While in the world I stay, For I will follow Jesus, all the way. 2 I’m but a little pilgrim here, My journey’s just begun; They tell me I shall sorrow meet Before my journey’s done. The world is full of sorrow And suffering, they say— But I will follow Jesus, all the way. 3 Then on my little pilgrimage Whatever I may meet, I’ll take it—joy and sorrow all And lay at Jesus’ feet. He’ll comfort me in trouble, He’ll wipe my tears away; With joy I’ll follow Jesus, Follow Jesus all the way. 4 Then trials cannot weigh me down, And pain I need not fear; For when I’m close by Jesus’ side, Grief cannot come too near. Not even death can harm me, When death I meet one day, To Heaven I’ll follow Jesus, all the way.

Hymn 575 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu