Hymn 625
O Lord, be with us when we sail

1 O Lord, be with us when we sail Upon the lonely deep, Our Guard when on the silent deck The midnight watch we keep. 2 We need not fear, though all around 'Mid rising winds we hear The multitude of waters surge, For Thou, O God, art near. 3 The calm, the breeze, the gale, the storm That pass from land to land, All, all are Thine, are held within The hollow of Thy hand. 4 As when on blue Gennesaret, Rose high the angry wave, And Thy disciples quailed in dread, One word of Thine could save. 5 So when the fiercer storms arise, From man’s unbridled will, Be Thou, Lord, present in our hearts, To whisper, Peace, be still. 6 Across this troubled tide of life Thyself our Pilot be Until we reach that better land, The land that knows no sea. 7 To Thee the Father, Thee the Son, Whom earth and sky adore, And Spirit, moving o’er the deep, Be praise for evermore.

Hymn 625 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu