Hymn 98
Lord, when Thy Kingdom comes, remember me

1. ‘Lord, when Thy Kingdom comes, remember me!’ Thus spake the dying lips to dying ears, O faith, which in that darkest hour could see The promised glory of the far-off years! 2. No kingly sign declares that glory now; No ray of hope lights up that awful hour; A thorny crown surrounds the bleeding brow; The hands are stretched in weakness, not in power. 3. Hark! Through the gloom the dying Saviour saith, ‘Thou too shalt rest in Paradise today’; O works of love to answer words of faith! O words of hope for those who lived to pray! 4. Lord, when with dying lips my prayer is said, Grant that in faith thy Kingdom I may see, And, thinking on Thy Cross and bleeding head, May breathe my parting words, ‘Remember me’. 5. Remember me, but not my shame or sin; Thy cleansing blood hath washed them all away; Thy precious death for me did pardon win; Thy blood redeemed me in that awful day. 6. Remember me; and, ere I pass away, Speak Thou the assuring word that sets us free, And make Thy promise to my heart, ‘Today Thou too shalt rest in Paradise with Me’.

Hymn 98 THE PCN New Haven, Enugu